Le Figaro Magazine
« Un mélange de force et de grâce charnelle. »
The performance has been canceled and will be postponed to the next season.
The boxing ring becomes a stage for dancers who take turns in fighting and reconciling – all to the live music of the Debussy Quartet. In each round the violins drive the dancers’ steps, from airy capoeira to rhythmic hip-hop. Breathtaking!
Following on from the popular success of Boxe Boxe (performed to an audience of 130,000 spectators), Mourad Merzouki once again dons his boxing gloves to create a universe in which poetry and humour, classic music and Brazilian dance all join together.
With their hilarious choreography, the Ben Aïm brothers take a fresh look at the absurdity of our everyday life. Could it be that it is precisely this lightness of humour that enables us to see our reality with new powers of imagination?
A cat and mouse chase between choreographer Jean Guillaume Weis and composer Pascal Schumacher. They bring bodies and instruments into dialogue in infinite variations.