France 3
« Musiciens, acrobates, mimes, Julia Moa Caprez et Igor Sellem forment un duo tout en poésie et en finesse. »
Two diametrically opposed clowns – an athletic strongman and a violin-playing female contortionist – driven by the same desire to play a musically and physically demanding music score, have to find their common ground in order to perform this concerto. The result is as hilarious as it is touching. The duo won the people’s choice award at the Off Festival in Avignon in 2013 and has continued to amaze the audiences since then.
In collaboration with Festival Clowns in Progress Kulturfabrik
Leandre Ribera and the company La Tal honour the tradition of the red noses and simultaneously breathe new life into this much-loved art form.
You cannot put a label on Jonas and Esther Slanzi. In this parable of life and love, the two artists combine speed, airiness, acrobatics, tricks and theatre, and amaze their audience.
In this highly optimistic show, which has sold out since 2015, five men completely undress and dazzle the audience with their acrobatic stunts.