Theatre Circus

Cancelled - les paroles impossibles

Yoann Bourgeois CCN2 - Grenoble
29.10.2021 + 30.10.2021

Yoann Bourgeois is a truly unparalleled acrobat. He played himself into the audience’s hearts with Scala and his attempt to stretch the limits of gravity. He also fascinates as a juggler and choreographer. With les paroles impossibles, he returns to the stage with a new programme and new tricks, mesmerizing the audience as a breath-taking trapezist, a flying fakir, a magic dervish, a bird-like singer and much more besides. He is a master of his genre with countless tricks up his sleeve who knows how to captivate his spectators.


  • Duration 50 Min.
  • Public For everyone from 11 years old
  • Language Few words (FR)
  • Full price Cat. 1 : 20 €
    Cat. 2 : 16 €
  • Young persons Cat. 1 : 9 €
    Cat. 2 : 8 €



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