The Escher Theater

The project

The Escher Theater stages shows performed by visiting theatrical companies as well as presenting its own productions. Since 2018, it has been headed up by the theatre director Carole Lorang. Each season, it presents some fifty shows from the worlds of theatre, dance and music – or an amalgam of those disciplines –, including not only productions emanating from the European scene but also home-grown works from Luxembourg. The theatre’s location, standing as it does at the crossroads of several countries, underlines its cross-border, multicultural function as the provider of a multi-lingual programme of shows, staged primarily in French and German. Since 2018, one of the key aspects of its project has been its shows aimed at younger audiences, along with shows which affirm – through the use of humour in particular – its mission to question reality.

> Editorial by the Director

Our team

Direction générale et artistique
Carole Lorang

Assistante de direction
Mandy Thiery

Production et diffusion
Ben Bauler, Marianne Husting

Marc Schramer (responsable service administratif)
Christophe Quintus, Jessica Torres (comptabilité et personnel)
Pascale Stiefer (soutien administratif)
Filipe Ferreira, Orlando Jorge Pereira Gomes ( gestion bâtiments, conciergerie)
Daniel Mond, Manuela Santiago (accueil entrée des artistes et galerie)

Communication et relations avec les publics
Lawrence Rollier (communication et presse)
Lena Batal (relation avec les publics)
Linda Bonvini, (pédagogie de théâtre, médiation scolaire)
Anja Hoscheit (programmation jeunes publics, pédagogie de théâtre, médiation scolaire)
Helena Ferreira Da Natividade (responsable billetterie et galerie)
Yannick Maurice, Jessica Torres (billetterie)
Filipe Ferreira, Orlando Jorge Pereira Gomes (accueil des publics)
Nadine Furtado (catering et restauration)
L’équipe étudiante (vestiaire et bar)

Patrick Moses (responsable technique)
Hervé Wieczorek (régisseur général)
Laurent Brandenburger (responsable lumière)
Guiseppe Cavalieri, Domenic Koehler, César Santos, Jean-Marc Muller (lumières)
Ben Wilmes (responsable son/vidéo)
Daniel Battibugli, Miguel Teixeira Sousa (son/vidéo)
Dirk Fuchs, Laurent Kohn (menuiserie et responsables plateau)
Mireille Dal Sasso, Hans-Josef Fusenig, Carlo Lerario, Mike Noël (machinerie)
Julien Licata (serrurerie)
Carine Rando de Felice (habillage, accessoires)

Marceline Bour, Katia Casagrande, Ivani Dos Reis Ribeiro, Anna Fortino, Fatime Krljesi, Andreza Neves, Françoise Raach, Clarisse Silva Goncalves, Mandy Reuter

The associate Artist

Une scénographie conçue à partir des idées bouillonnantes d’enfants eschois·es dans le projet participatif Wien huet schon eng normal Famill?. Une maison qui grince et amplifie
les sons de l’emprisonnement dans le spectacle La maison de Bernarda Alba écrit en 1936
par Federico Garcia Lorca. Des éléments recyclés et issus de l’économie circulaire dans
Robert(s), pièce sur l’urgence climatique... La costumière et scénographe luxembourgeoise Peggy Wurth, depuis plus de 20 ans, cumule les projets. Après avoir passé beaucoup de temps sous les tables de coutures de sa mère et de ses grand-mères au cours de son enfance – à recomposer des mondes à partir de bouts de tissus – ainsi que dans les coulisses des théâtres à l’adolescence, elle décide d’étudier le Theatre Design au Wimbledon College of the Arts de Londres, puis, entame sa carrière. Une artiste multifacette, engagée et débordante de créativité, à laquelle s’associe le Escher Theater pour les trois années à venir. Sa présence sera visible tout au long de la saison : ateliers, rencontres et implications dans les créations du théâtre.
> Site web de Peggy Wurth

The history of the theatre

The theatre opened its doors for the first time on 26 May 1962, when the town councillors and Joseph Wampach, the first director of the Théâtre d’Esch, had the pleasure of officially welcoming their Royal Highnesses the Grand-Duchesse Charlotte and the Prince of Luxembourg, together with the Prime Minister, Pierre Werner, for the inauguration of the newly constructed building. Over the years, it welcomed not only theatre-goers from within the Grand Duchy but also visitors from France, Belgium and Germany and elsewhere. As a city standing at the junction of three frontiers, Esch thus consolidated its role as a cross-border, multicultural location, and the theatre's programme went from strength to strength, notably thanks to the dynamic leadership of its second director, Guy Wagner, who oversaw a series of remarkable musical seasons as well as various theatrical productions. Upon taking over in 1992, Philippe Noesen, the third director, focused on dramatic art, increasing the number of productions and co-productions. From March 1996 to February 1997, the theatre closed its doors for an extensive revamp of its auditorium and foyers, involving the installation of reception areas for the public on the ground floor and a general transformation in line with transparency criteria, opening up the building towards the exterior by means of numerous glass doors and windows. Under its fourth director, Charles Muller, the Escher Theater underwent a further renovation, bringing the stage, the dressing rooms and the administration area into conformity with international standards. The theatre director Carole Lorang took over as director of the Escher Theater as from the 2018/19 season.

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