A rhythmic to-ing and fro-ing, a respectful granting of priority and withdrawal, a sensitive exercise in emphasizing and submerging. Jean-Guillaume Weis, master of dance, and Pascal Schumacher, master of music, come together to create a harmonic interaction between body and melody. At times the dancers give precedence to the musicians, at times the music withdraws to make room for the choreography. Like two lovers, who individually display their emotions, they eventually come together. Sixty immersive minutes – spontaneous and sensitive.
Another date is scheduled at CAPE – Centre des Arts Pluriels Ettelbruck on May 12.
Upcoming performances open to the public
- Duration 60 min.
Full price
Cat. 1 : 20 €
Cat. 2 : 16 € -
Young persons
Cat. 1 : 9 €
Cat. 2 : 8 €
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