« Company e1nz, Jonas et Esther Slanzi, sont époustouflants dans ce spectacle sensuel mêlant éléments acrobatiques et méli-mélo de cordes, avec un jeu de diabolo au rythme infernal et des mimiques qui entraînent le public. »
The performance will be postponed to the next season.
He is looking for the perfect, neat organization; she is longing for the lightness of altitude. In order to reach their goals, both need the help of the other. Conflicts are foreordained with this odd couple. Maliciously, tactically and lovingly they each of them meddle with the reality of the other. They wrangle, irritate and love. The resulting conflicts will be solved creatively and spectacularly. Jonas and Esther Slanzi have created a genre-crossing performance that amazes the audience with a combination of airiness, acrobatics, tricks and theatre.