"Une ode à l'imagination des enfants."
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A Menina do Mar ass dat éischt Kannerbuch, dat déi bekannt portugisesch Schrëftstellerin Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen 1958 geschriwwen huet. Dëst Märchen erzielt vun enger aussergewéinlecher Frëndschaft tëscht engem Jong, deen um Land wunnt, an engem Meedchen, dat am Mier lieft. De Virwëtz vun deenen zwee Kanner erméiglecht et hinnen, trotz hirer Verschiddenheet, deem aneren seng Welt kennen an acceptéieren ze léieren. D’Meedche léiert wat et heescht, eppes ze begieren, a wat Frëndschaft a Freed ass; de Jong ass averstanen, seng Welt opzeginn a mam Meedchen um Mieresbuedem ze liewen.
P’tits brunch du théâtre : on sunday, after or before the performance, have brunch with your kids and take part in workshop.
Performance at 11:00
Brunch 12:00 (to book via : reservation.theatre@villeesch.lu)
Children workshop 13:00-14:30
Finalists of France’s Got Talent, 13 acrobats from Conakry, in Guinea, show us the importance of water (“yé” in Soussou) and the consequences of its increasing scarcity.
A crazy, funny and acrobatic round dance, this dashing and whirling ballet of feathered feet explore the links that have bound us to domestic animals for millennia.
In this retrospective of their best acts, the famous mime and object theater company achieves the rare feat of getting everyone to agree, children and adults alike.
Both a musical concerto and a clown show, Pizz’n’Zip reminds us that inspiration and creativity are a more beautiful adventure when it is experienced as a group, regardless of our differences.