
The Game – Grand Finale

Jill Crovisier
19.06.2025 + 20.06.2025

With cards, online, in sports, in love, play is everywhere and always. Jill Crovisier also likes to play. The Luxemburgish choreographer explores the theme with 8 dancers. Because beyond sheer competition, playing opens up luminous breaches in daily life. Playing ensures spaces of freedom where you deploy your imagination. Playing sometimes creates occasions for human warmth. The Game – Grand Finale is a show designed to rethink our place in the world and experiment with new ways of living together.


  • Duration 60 min. (estimated duration)
  • Place Theatre
  • Full price Cat. 1 : 20 €
    Cat. 2 : 16 €
  • Young persons Cat. 1 : 9 €
    Cat. 2 : 8 €


Direction artistique et chorégraphie Jill Crovisier Création sonore Jill Crovisier Costumes Jill Crovisier Lumières Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg Avec 8 danseuses et danseurs Crédit photo Marco Pavone


Production JC movement production Coproduction Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg ; Kinneksbond – Centre Culturel Mamer ; Escher Theater ; Trifolion Echternach Soutien Fondation EME – Philharmonie Luxembourg ; Mukogawa Women’s University, Japan ; Tipperary Dance, Ireland ; Elephant In The Black Box Company ; Fanglao Dance Company, Laos ; Tjimur Dance Theater, Taiwan ; TROIS C-L Maison pour la danse ; Citofonare PimOff Milan ; Lucy Guerin Inc Wxyz Studios ; Dancehouse Melbourne ; Critical Path Sydney ; O Espaco Do Tempo ; KulturLX – Arts Council Luxembourg ; Fondation Indépendance ; Ministère de la Culture du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

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