

Vertigo dance Company

Where do I come from and where am I going? Those questions are tackled by the 10 dancers of the Vertigo Dance Company, an Israeli company. In Makom, this troupe appears as torn between two ends, shaken by the magnetic forces of repulsion and attraction. Successively sensual and contemplative, eruptive and contained, their bodies swing through branches separating them, supporting them and end up, like a bridge, bringing them closer. In a world where every person is looking for a safe position, choreographer Noa Wertheim pits an artistic world of reconciliation and openness opposing walls and isolation.


Upcoming performances open to the public


  • Duration 60 min.
  • Language without words
  • Place Theatre
  • Full price Cat. 1 : 20 €
    Cat. 2 : 16 €
  • Young persons Cat. 1 : 9 €
    Cat. 2 : 8 €


Chorégraphie Noa Wertheim assistée de Rina Wertheim-Koren Création musicale Ran Bagno Scénographie Zohar Shoef Lumières Dan Fishof – Magenta Costumes Kedem Sasson Décors Dani Goldenberg Musique sur scène Hila Epstein (violoncelle), Galia Hai (violon) Avec Micah Aimos, Ruth Ben David, Eden Ben Shimol, Alma Kravat Shemesh, Ilan Golubovich, Noa Israely, Etai Peri, Sian Olles, Tommaso Zuchegna, Eshed Weissman Crédit photo Ziv Barak


Production Vertigo Dance Company

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