Take part

Re/pair your clothes!


Fast fashion, beware… Did your little ones give their clothes a rough time? During this parent-child workshop, nothing will resist their creative minds to draw and make patterns, in order to re(pair) their used clothes and rekindle the affective bond with a pair of jeans or an old sock that you no longer dared to take out from the wardrobe.
Dads, moms, grandparents, bring your kids and their clothes, costume designer Peggy Wurth will be there to make fabrics available and pass on those gestures: darning, patching, fixing a tear, sewing a button, hemming. One thing leading to another, our associate artist will dispense advice and techniques to make clothes for children more durable, and doing so always in a creative manner!

The workshop will take place on 25 February from 2pm to 5pm, at the Ariston.

Inscription: ateliers.theatre@villeesch.lu


  • Duration 3h
  • Public Tout public à partir de 6 ans
  • Language FR, LU, DE, EN
  • Place Ariston
  • Full price 5 €

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