Le Monde
« Partout où ils se produisent, l'ambiance est électrique. »
Water, life and us. When they were younger, those artists went from one Guinean beach to another to perform their first acrobatic acts. The 13 members of Circus Baobab collective now display their talent and inventiveness on stages all over the world. Acrobatic lifts propelling them in the air, vertiginous human pyramids and powerful hand-to-hand combats come one after another in an effervescent pace. On this set littered with plastic bottles, they set off to convey the social and environmental emergency. This troupe finds its future in circus and proves – armed with unfailing commitment and solidarity – that a future exists per se.
After Dans l’Engrenage, the Dyptik company is back with a festive and cathartic show that takes 8 dancers into a mind-bending collective trance.
In this retrospective of their best acts, the famous mime and object theater company achieves the rare feat of getting everyone to agree, children and adults alike.
Playful and combative, 8 women launch into impertinent solos or become one. With the exhilarating energy of “battles”, they state their singularity loud and clear.