Queer Little Lies (2/3)
The 2nd edition
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Following the success of its first edition in 2018, Independent Little Lies – ILL will present its second festival Queer Little Lies on November 12 – 14th at the Escher Theater. Performances, movies, round-tables, workshops, a masterclass and a party to round it all up: on three days, artists from Luxembourg and abroad will queer your understandings of bodies, sexuality and desire. Be ready to challenge the norms!
m.a.d. -mutually affirmed deviance
m.a.d. explores the collective body of four performers and their deviance from the norm. Together they venture a shared vulnerability and, strengthened by this newfound unity, they set out to disrupt the vicious cycle of discrimination, hatred and violence. Through movement and sound the four protagonists attempt to transform the martial meaning of m.a.d. (“mutually assured destruction”) into “mutually affirmed deviance” – into a daring “yes!” in celebration of the body and of their common breakout from its alienating socializations.
Talk with the artists after the performance.
Prochaines séances ouvertes au public
- Durée 1h15
- Langue sans paroles
Plein tarif
16 €
Pass festival : 25 € - Jeunes 8 €
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